Saturday, 7 April 2012

Situation Normal All Fucked Up (SNAFU)

Situation Normal All Fucked Up (SNAFU)- The diaries of a revolutionary airline pilot

On the 23rd of January, 2011 i payed a little visit to my airline office, I cannot recall what exactly it was for i had a brief chat with one of the captains at the airline, he had just gotten back from Qatar airways flying the a330. He told me life in Qatar was boring and he missed the excitement of flyi
ng for an Egyptian airline so he felt coming back was his best option. We brought up 25th of January. Little did we know how huge it was going to become. To us 25th of January was nothing more then a date. My first route training flight would have been the 28th, Cairo-Lyon as i recall. 25th of Jan came passing by with its revolutionary wave, my flight was canceled on the 28th on account of well, absolutely no fucking tourism, i could not imagine what French tourist in their right mind would have wanted to visit Cairo that day. I always hated Mubarak and his regime though so i thought why not sacrifice my flight for the well being of our country. Little did I know that in the following 18 days my company would close down and i would lose my job, for well until this day.

I fall into the hype of the revolution, I believe it was a couple of days before the step down of Mubarak as my family and I took a routine trip to Tahrir square, a friend of mine had asked me on the Black Berry messenger, did you see the Salafis in the midan? At that time i did not know what the fuck a salafi was. Or how a salafi in the course of a year can drive me to the point where i wonder if Tahrir was right for us.

And so the days passed....

Then came a so called "National referendum" which was in my opinion where the situation abnormal only got even more fucked up. The so called SCAF with their wise ass hand picked monkeys for law makers had decided well we kind of have a constitution situation which we do not know what to do about, so the choices are either, to build a new constitution, elect a new parliament, step down, then elect a new president (hmmm....what any sane man would say a good transition of a revolution would be) or why don't we just pick a team of retards(sobhi saleh and his peeps) to decide on articles from the constitution which would stay for the course of the following couple of months, elect a new Parliament, form a constitution(which would obviously be dominated by the new revolutionary parliament), Elect a president, then re elect parliament.

The Brotherhood and Salafis knowing that early elections would mean absolute domination of a next parliament due to their habits of tricking the poor and unaware with Islamic campaigning and propaganda schemes. They thought why not stand by the constitutional articles picked.

More to come...