Friday, 23 September 2011

The thrill of travelling

Nothing ever compares to the feeling a person gets on the day he travels, this may cause a problem, time will go by very damn slow. You feel like you just wanna hop onto that plane and just leave! But anyways, yesterday was a good day, got my ticket with a humongous discount which is always good when you are 20 years old and, unemployed, bummer : /. Packed all my things, and for now just listening to some Jam, and enjoying a cigaret.  I've gone to parts of Asia, middle east, Europe, but never to any other part of Africa so this is a start, both for me and my "worried" family, it just makes me laugh. Why do they freak out and worry about me soo much? :D i mean for god sake this will be my job to travel as a pilot. alright well thats it for now! next time i post is when i get to some sort of internet access in Jo'burg.

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